Kozo K-27 Smokebox

The first piece for the smokebox
assembly is the exhaust nozzle that will screw into the T-pipe running
between the cylinders. September 7, 2024.

On the left are the blanks that will
be used for the smokebox door clamps. On the right is a plug that will
be required for the smokebox door. September 8, 2024,

The disc on the left is the smokebox
base with the previously complete exhaust nozzle inserted. At the right
are the drilled and shaped smokebox door clamps. August 15, 2024.

This is a piece 0.080" brass that has
been trimmed to 6.5" x 21+" for the smokebox shell. layout lines have
been added for various holes that need to be drilled. September 21,

After annealing, the brass has been rolled into about a 6 - 1/4" diameter shell about 6.5" long. September 22, 2024.

The smokebox shell has been riveted
and soldered together. Next will be the cutting of the openings for the
stack and the exhaust. September 28, 2024.

The opening for the stack has been cut
along with the opening smokebox base. Here we see the smokebox base and
exhaust nozzle test fit. September 29, 2024.

This is the fixture and the blank that
will be used to machine the lift pipe seat. The piece has to be turned
to the inner diameter of the smokebox and will be soldered below the
opening for the stack. September 29, 2024.

The lift pipe seat now has a radius cut into it to fit the inner radius of the smokebox shell. December 24, 2024.

Work is proceeding on the smokebox
ring which is a 6.5" diameter by 0.75" ring. The front portion has been
turned down to fit snugly inside the smokebox shell. December 24, 2024.

A view inside the smokebox shell at
the smokebox ring still mounted in the lathe chuck. The ring started as
a solid disk which was then cored with a 4" hole saw. There is more
work to be completed on the ring to provide mounting holes and the far
end will need to be shaped to fit the front of the boiler along with
turning the outer diameter to size. December 21, 2024.

The finished smokebox ring has had the
inner diameter turned to fit the front tube sheet and the mounting tabs
shaped and drilled for the mounting screws. December 24, 2024.