The Needleton tank is looking much better now that the lean is gone and
the hoops are back in place. Compare this shot with Richard Bell's at the
bottom of the page. Photo by Fritz Klinke on September 6, 2003. Copyright
2003 Fritz Klinke.
Johnnie Martinez, a 40 year veteran on the Silverton branch, kept on eye
on the restoration crew to make sure that they worked safely around the railroad.
He runs the first patrol of the line in the morning coming into Silverton.
Photo by Fritz Klinke during August 2003, copyright 2003 Fritz Klinke.
The crew is busy framing the roof in this Fritz Klinke shot from August
13, 2003. Copyright 2003 Fritz Klinke.
This shot of the original Needleton tank was taken by Richard Bell during
June of 2000.
Water Tank Page